1. Assess the importance of marketing in the media area you have studied.
Marketing, the business of promoting or selling products, in this case films and or movies. Commerce is an immense factor in getting a film out to its targeted audience. Marketing in the filming industry is important, because it’s how people find out about the film or movie, and it determines if a film is going to be successful or not.
Marketing, the business of promoting or selling products, in this case films and or movies. Commerce is an immense factor in getting a film out to its targeted audience. Marketing in the filming industry is important, because it’s how people find out about the film or movie, and it determines if a film is going to be successful or not.
Admittedly, marketing in the film industry is important because it’s how people/viewers find out about the films. In the case study I read, (Cinema and Marketing: When Cultural Demands Meet Industrustrial Practices) it states “People may go to Cinemas now and then to have a good time or try to forget about their worries, but the average cinema goer rarely goes to see a specific film”. With this in mind think about how effective marketing of a specific movie would change the statistics. If the movie was marketed Adequately people would actually go just to see that specific movie .Consequently,this is where the importance of marketing comes in. The film has to be suitably presented to the movie goers or viewers in an entrancing way. The marketing team could advertise the movie effectively by getting the film advertised on well known sites, apps or places. I know for a fact, anytime I go to see a movie is when I see it advertised on YouTube or maybe Instagram. The ad has to be interesting to me, something I want to spend my money to watch in theatres. I don’t think I’ve ever watched a movie, when I thought the trailer was boring or I was uninterested in. Continuously, Sandra Echeverri from the study ‘Cineuropa’ clarifies “ The objective is to approach diverse audiences through social media networks and to create an engagement with a younger audience as well as convincing fans and moviegoers to talk about the movies on social media”. In fact the effective marketing on different platforms, social media especially included could bolster how people detect the film. For example, if you were to advertise a movie on Snapchat, with filters and various proactive ads the users of the app would want to watch the movie or think about watching the movie. In another scenario they would ask or tell their friends on the app about it. Which in turn would lead to more and more people finding out about that film, and becoming interested in it. But this outcome is only achievable if you market the film effectively.
Furthermore, The marketing of a film is important because it determines if the film is going to be successful or not. Namely, as the writer from the study ‘Production Hub’ explains, “ your movie could be incredible, but unless people know about it and are compelled to go and see it, it will never be successful.” Without a doubt, not marketing your film could have very negative effects. how are people going to know it’s out, or know about it if it has not been marketed or advertised. That’s basically just putting out a movie, without getting word out about the movie. Which is going to be pointless because no one‘s going to be in the theater to watch the movie. Personally, there are lots of movies that I’ve seen at the movies that were out, but I didn’t know about them before I saw them in the theater. I’d never seen an ad for the movie or a poster or commercial, which is exactly why I didn’t know it was out. In those moments I think, are these movies not important ?or maybe they’re boring, maybe that’s why they weren’t advertised. In hindsight if you were to market said movie excellently, the results would be superior compared to if the movie had not been marketed at all. In fact, it’s proven that more viewers will watch the movie. Also, in another case study I read( Marketing And consumption of art products: the movie industry) “After the completion of a movie, promotion activities are carried out to reach audiences at this point, promotional tools made directly affect people's decision“ This is important, because it establishes the idea that after marketing, the feedback or reaction they receive from their audience or moviegoers determines if the film will be prosperous or not. For example, a new film's marketing team decided to post it’s trailer on YouTube to see what feedback they’d receive. Let’s say when the viewers or audience viewed the trailer they disliked it. The marketing team would know then, that means there’s not a great chance that the film would do good in theaters. They would also come to the conclusion that they did not market the film in the most appealing way. As a result, the marketing team would do more market research so that their film is marketed to their audiences attentively.
In conclusion, The importance of marketing in a film is vital for many reasons. Personally I chose to explain it was important because it's how people find out about the films and it determines if the films are going to be successful or not. Next time you watch a movie, think about if you’ve seen an ad for it on Snapchat, Instagram, a website that you were browsing on or even a poster. Think about if that’s the reason you went to see the movie, if you say yes then the marketing team for that specific film has done their job effectively. And that’s the importance of marketing in film.
(Cinema and Marketing: When Cultural Demands Meet Industrustrial Practices)
Référence électronique
Nathalie Dupont et Joël Augros, « Cinema and Marketing: When Cultural Demands Meet Industrial Practices », InMedia [En ligne], 3 | 2013, mis en ligne le 22 avril 2013, consulté le 28 avril 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/inmedia/625
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Nathalie Dupont et Joël Augros, « Cinema and Marketing: When Cultural Demands Meet Industrial Practices », InMedia [En ligne], 3 | 2013, mis en ligne le 22 avril 2013, consulté le 28 avril 2020. URL : http://journals.openedition.org/inmedia/625
Haut de page
(Marketing and consumption of art products : the movie industry)
Elif Ulker-Demirel, Ayse Akyol, Gülhayat Gölbasi Simsek, (2018) "Marketing and consumption of art products: the movie industry", Arts and the Market, Vol. 8 Issue: 1, pp.80-98, https://doi.org/10.1108/ AAM-06-2017-0011
Permanent link to this document:
Elif Ulker-Demirel, Ayse Akyol, Gülhayat Gölbasi Simsek, (2018) "Marketing and consumption of art products: the movie industry", Arts and the Market, Vol. 8 Issue: 1, pp.80-98, https://doi.org/10.1108/ AAM-06-2017-0011
Permanent link to this document:
Industry Report: Marketing
Case Study – Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry
Case Study – Social Media Marketing in the Film Industry
(Social Media Marketing Strategies in Commercial Movies)
comScore. (2011, December 21). It’s a social world: Top 10 need- to-knows about social networking and where it’s headed. Retrieved from
http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations-and-Whitepapers/2011/it_is_a _social_world_top_10_need-to-knows_about_social_ networking
http://www.comscore.com/Insights/Presentations-and-Whitepapers/2011/it_is_a _social_world_top_10_need-to-knows_about_social_ networking