Thursday, December 5, 2019

Editing Blog

     Today we starting editing our music video. We use the song Love Don’t Change by Jeremiah. It’s an RnB love song, and we wanted our video to portray a message of love.  When i walked in class my team mates had already grabbed a computer for us to use. They where logging into there ID so we could go onto pinnacle studios. I already knew this editing process was going to take long. I remember how during our previous project it would freeze up. So while the computer loaded pinnacle studios, my teammates and I talked about what shots we thought we should use. This was a very mind opening conversation since, I didn’t think about what elements would place well with the song. After talking for a good 5 minuets, we where all in agreement. Now we where ready to edit.
       After patiently waiting on pinnacle studios to load it popped up. So I took the flash drive and put it in the computer. This was where all our footage was. I got on the computer and deleted the sample footage. One of my teammates clicked the import button and we saw another tab pop up. We clicked the folder with our flash drive name on it. I then imported the stuff from the flash drive onto pinnacle studios. It took a great deal of time for the files to finish copying.  When the files finished copying the video was ready to be edited. Now it was time to decide what footage we wanted to keep.

      I dragged the scenes slowly to the editing strip. Then we trimmed a few seconds off each scene. Suddenly I hear that class is almost over. My brain stopped for a second. We had just started editing and class was almost over. So my group mates decided to edit on Imovie. We had to edit when we got home that night. So When I got home that night I called my group mates. We talked as one of our group mates edited the scenes on her phone. It seemed easier this way, rather then using pinnacle studios. After we finished editing, my group mate sent the video to all of us, so we could look over it. 

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