Tuesday, January 12, 2021

CCR Blog

 Our product represents social groups and issues by engaging with a specific type of social group. The social group I would say we connect most with is lovers of the thriller genre, or people who love mystery movies. Our film shows a middle-age powerful woman, who works in the law field, something I know that appeals to certain people. Any Social groups that support female empowerment would be engaged to see our film. In our film you’ll see this powerful woman be killed, simply because of jealousy. This film can be used to address the issue of jealousy, many people feel a certain way when they see someone who’s on top. Our film simply addresses an instance for something like this happening. A story where, someone who is close to you takes everything away from you because that’s all they ever wanted for themselves. Our product is big on representing envy and jealousy. This could appeal to jealousy support groups, Or anyone that’s been in a similar situation.

Our website helps create a sense of our branding because it shows basically a preview of our movie. Our website includes what you can expect to see in our film, when our film will be out, when you can see it, and much more. Our website includes pictures that can be tied directly into our movie, we specifically used a knife on all of our platforms so when you saw it you think of our movie. This was a big step in our process of branding our film. We use mainly the colors black and red, to represent the dark theme that’s going through our movie and the blood in our movie. On all of our social media platforms, we named our page the name of our movie, making all of our profile pictures a piece of police tape. When my part and I thought to do this, we had the word mystery popped up in our head. We thought since this was a thriller/mystery movie the piece of police tape would create a sense of suspense. I would say we use the knife as our mascot so to say. I think in the process of doing all of this it lead us to separate our product apart from other products that would be considered the “same”. I think our website, our social media‘s, and our post card Do a good job showing how we want to film to perceive, and organizes the thoughts that we do include in our film.

I can honestly say our film  engages with our audience through social media. As you know today in the 21st-century, social media is a big platform. For many this is how they discover new things, or hear about new things. There’s been plenty of times where I’ve never seen or heard of a movie, then all the sudden I see it on Instagram or Snapchat or Twitter. And suddenly I’m tempted to go and watch this movie, or purchase this movie to see it. For us we used our Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to engage with our audience. We made a few post previews, on what to be expected in this film. In addition we did a few polls on our Instagram story, these polls included questions that would help us see what kind of audience we would be working with. Again, we have to put out what we know people will want to see so this was a good way to see the preferences of our potential viewers. We also made sure we posted a good amount of times to promote our movie, we included the date, where the movie could be seen and the times it could be seen. This I think, was an important thing to do. If we did not engage with our audience, there will be no knowledge of what to expect from our film. No knowledge on when our film will be released, which result in a bad outcome.

The research helped me with my film. I found it helpful to look at successful thriller films. When I say successful I refer to how much it sold, and how audiences reacted to it. It was so easy to look up reviews on the films I looked over. This was what really helped me with my branding techniques. I used the feedback that the other films had. In addition I researched elements found in common thriller films. It was important that my partner and I tried to shift from these elements. The conventions of thriller movies include low key, we shifted away from this. In our film we used bright lighting, for the simple reason that we thought it looked better. And it did, the low key lighting would not have been beat for our scenes. A convention we did follow was the quick cuts, this helped us create suspense in our film so of course we had to incorporate it. Another convention we followed was the tension music and change in angle shots. These were two major ploys in our film, again it was all about creating tension and suspense. These two elements did exactly that, the music helped us build suspense up to a certain moment, and the angle helped us show what was going on from different perspectives. 

Who Did it ? (Short Film)

My Short Film Package 

Who Did It ?

Thursday, January 7, 2021

And We’re Still Editing

Hey guys we’re back again and we’re still editing. As you know editing can take a good amount of time. Considering especially if you want your final product to be good. Last blog we were working on putting our scenes together. This does not take a long time, but it didn’t take the shortest amount of time either. Aaliyah and I we’re really focused on our interrogation scene right now. Aaliyah had her mom and sister help her re-record these scenes. Our main focus going into the interrogation scene was to create suspense. We had to find a way to add music while we were editing. On the app or using, we had to screen record the music. I know you’re probably thinking screen record what is that? Well we had to go on YouTube firstly. And on the iPhones now there’s a button you press where you can record something from another app. It gives visuals and even audio but we only needed the audio. On the video Leap app, there’s a button you press to insert audio where you want it. So now we were on the interrogation scene, fixing the clips and scenes and we had to decide where we wanted the music. Aaliyah suggested when the questioning begin and I suggested win aaliyah‘s character started answering the questions. We found a place to incorporate the music, and then we started to discuss titles. I thought to go back and look at how I did titles on my phone from last year, so that’s exactly what I did. I had notes to reflect on from the previous year to help me with titles. So aaliyah and I began putting titles on our film

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

and Editing begins

Hey everyone, I’m back again. It’s our first week back from winter break. As you recall we’ve been filming over winter break. we’ve got lots of great clips, for our film. Aaliyah and I decided we should start our editing process completely. In between filming, we looked over a few clips and put stuff together. But today we decided, to start fully editing our film. Since it was my job to edit, Aaliyah suggested that I look over the clips. So that’s exactly what I did. She sent me the videos since we recorded off of an phone. Before I started everything I had to make sure all the clips were okay. Since currently we’re still not in school I had to use my phone to edit. I can honestly say, using a phone and computer do not compare. I can assert that using a phone was more convenient. But I think using the editing software on the computers are better. I used the video Leap app tomorrow’s the scenes we filmed together. At the wavy video I inserted I had to make sure there were no gaps when the video played. After how do you there to each clip I made sure to ask aaliyah for her opinion. This was one of the parts where I knew we had to work together. And that’s exactly what we did, we’re now fully committed to editing and adjusting our film.